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Third party integration

With the QBE Gateway, you have the ability to control a large selection of third party devices

As well as remotely interacting with your CAME automation you can set up additional third party smart devices and put your home to work.

The CAME Cloud can connect wirelessly to a wide range of connected devices, with seamless integration, including indoor lighting, out security lighting, security cameras and CCTV, house alarm systems, smart locks, thermostats and heating, speakers and motion sensors.

Driveway Gate Blue Circle QBE
Digital Assistants

Amazon Alexa Integration

CAME Connect is now compatible with digital assistants such as Amazon Alexa, enabling you to voice manage your automation systems with pre-defined skills or actions. Just say “Alexa, open the gate”... it's never been easier to control you automaton systems.

See what CAME Connect can do for you

Below are a few examples of how CAME Connect’s integration with third-party devices, can provide one simple, connected system.